About us
Preserving the past for the future...
The Historical Society of Hammonton was founded on November 29, 1960 by a group of interested citizens to “preserve Hammonton’s history by the collection of civil, political and religious artifacts.” The Society has sought to meet these goals over the years.
Our museum holds a collection of which its members are very proud. The Society has been actively building its body of accessions since 2005 having acquired: Circa 1800 architect Bakey model of the Black Mansion; Rider College founder and former Hammontonian, Andrew Rider artifacts from several donors; Dr. C. Woodnutt, DDS sign; papers and photos of the Black and Loveland families; Journal and photos of former Mayor John Machise while a young soldier in WWI; glass photographer plates of old Hammonton buildings; and more.

In the Museum, you’ll find out current exhibits as well as books pertaining to the early history of Hammonton, souvenirs, postcards, notepaper and commemoratives of the area. Click here for a virtual tour!
We continue to add to our extensive oral history collection. A great find was a small collection of tapes recorded in 1976 as a bicentennial project. They have been digitized and will be transcribed to share as hard copies in the museum as well as on the website.
The Historical Society of Hammonton is a non-profit, private organization 501(c)3. Most of our operating expenses and maintenance of the HSH Museum are funded by membership fees and various fund-raising activities.
We continue to actively pursue grant opportunities and have been successful since 2022.
Funding has been made possible in part by the New Jersey Historical Commission, a division of Cultural Affairs within the Department of State, through funds administered by the Atlantic County Office of Cultural and Heritage Affairs.
— Our Mission
The Historical Society of Hammonton was established to provide for generations to come a living collection relating to the rich and unique social, political, economic and cultural heritage of the Town of Hammonton, New Jersey.
— Our Collection
Our collection includes a wide variety of materials related to our mission. These items include photographs, books, historic documents, artwork and artifacts. We’d love for you to stop by and check out all the treasures you will discover in the museum.